Welcome to our practice! At your first visit, the doctors will perform an oral examination and be able to determine if orthodontic treatment is necessary and answer all your questions.
- Why is it necessary?
- Will braces or Invisalign best correct the problem?
- When should treatment begin?
- Approximately how long it will treatment take?
- Approximately how much will it cost?
They will also answer your questions about eating, oral hygiene, sports, risks, discomfort or anything else you wish to know.
There is NO CHARGE for this visit. It should take approximately 15 minutes.
If treatment is indicated and you wish to proceed, diagnostic RECORDS will have to be taken so that a final treatment plan can be determined. This consists of:
- Photographs of your teeth and face
- Panoramic X-ray that give an overall view of all your teeth and supporting structures
- Cephalometric X-ray to measure the position of your teeth as it relates to your jaw bones
- An impression of your teeth for study models to take exact measurements
The records will take approximately 30 minutes and can usually be done at the first appointment or can be rescheduled at a more convenient time. There is a charge for the records.